1958 – Admiral Dewey Medallion
This medallion was struck in 1958 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Manila Bay and the critical role that the USS Olympia played under the command of Admiral George Dewey. The USS Olympia was the flagship of the Asiatic Squadron and is the only surviving naval ship from America’s Spanish-American War fleet. She is still docked in Philadelphia and is believed to be the oldest floating steel warship in the world.
This medal was made from the propeller of the USS Olympia.

Year: 1958
Size: 32mm diameter (another larger version at 75mm also exists)
Mintage: Unknown
Material: Bronze
Country: USA
In commission from 1895 until 1922 and pivotal to the Battle of Manila Bay the USS Olympia was retired in 1898 then returned to active service again in 1902. She was used as a training ship and floating barracks until WWI broke out. After WWI she was used to dispense food, aid and medicine to parts of Europe. She was also involved in the Russian Civil War and ran many peace missions in the Balkans. Her last notable act was on the 25th October 1921 when she was used to ship home the body of the Unknown Soldier to be laid at rest in Arlington Cemetery. The USS Olympia was decommissioned in December of 1922.
In 1957 the US Navy gave the ship to the Cruiser Olympia Association who restored the ship to her 1898 glory. In order to fund the restoration the Cruiser Olympia Association melted down one of the ships large propellers to produce these tokens which were sold to the general public. The 344 foot long, coal powered Cruiser is still open as a floating museum in Philadelphia.