Kennedy Error Stamps
What an amazing collection of John F Kennedy Error Stamps from the Philippines. You will seldom see a wide range of error stamps on the same topic in one place.
The Philippines through philately and numismatics
What an amazing collection of John F Kennedy Error Stamps from the Philippines. You will seldom see a wide range of error stamps on the same topic in one place.
A darker shade of PH 410 – is it an error, an oddity, a fake? It’s not listed in catalogs, so what is it?
Oops! Another one slipped by the QA goalie. This 1982 Philippines Rotary Tower Awards stamp was released with a spelling mistake and text that was difficult to read – all fixed in the reissued stamps.
“Help Me Stop Smuggling” – was it a hidden cry for help from the most corrupt president that the Philippines has ever seen? Or does it mean something else?
Some interesting printing errors can be seen on the surcharged stamps of 1899-1904. Most caused by poor over-printing during the surcharge process.
This is a pretty famous and equally funny issue that I file under the “you’re fired!” category. Issued on May 3rd 1932 the stamp below depicts a lovely scene of the Pagsanjan Falls in Laguna, Philippines. The only problem is that the actual image on the stamp is of the Vernal Falls in Yosemite National…
In Philippines Philately the Bengzon error stamp is fairly well known (Scott# PH 2371Ef). Released in 1995 the well intentioned set of stamps featuring prominent Filipinos who worked in the United Nations were famously printed with the wrong Justice Bengzon pictured. Instead of Justice Cesar C Bengzon the image used was that of Justice Jose…
Some of us struggle with those pesky scientific names given to flora and fauna. Well, you are not alone. The Flora and Fauna series of coins (1983-1994) had 2 well known minting errors due to spelling mistakes. The first was on the 10 sentimo coin from 1983 (KM#240.1). Nearly 96,000,000 coins were minted. This error…
1947 16c stamp featuring the Santa Lucia Gate – but is it really? Read about what gate actually appears on this postage stamp.
I was preparing some duplicate stamps for sale on eBay when I noticed the following: 30s and 90s stamps (Scott #’s PH 1303 & PH 1304 respectively) were released in 1976 to commemorate the 350th anniversary of the arrival of the Virgin of Antipolo. These are not uncommon stamps to Philippine philatelists. However, you will…