Of the 24 stamps released in 1951 half of them are part of the Coat of Arms series. The Coat of Arms series depicts coats of Arms for Manila, Cebu City, Zamboanga City and Iloilo City – each in 5c, 6c and 18c values. 6 stamps were released as part of the Peace Fund Campaign in 3 values as both perforated and imperforate. The stamps depict a woman peacefully and happily working while being overlooked by a Barangay Captain with cattle and workers in the background. “Community, unity, strength, peace and security” are printed on the stamps. The barangay captain is often mistaken for a soldier or military personnel. Human Rights Day was on the 10th December and 3 liberty stamps were released in commemoration – they bear a striking similarity to the pre-independence era stamps of the Philippines. Lastly, a set of 3 stamps was released to commemorate United Nations Day which occurred on the 24th October – the stamps were not released until 10th December.
The more challenging stamps to collect from this year will be the higher values in the “Coat of Arms” series and the imperforate stamps from the Peace Fund Campaign. Imperforate Peace Fund Campaign stamps were printed in quantities of 200,000 each – whereas perforated quantities hit 29,800,000 for the 5c, 2,800,000 for the 6c and 1,800,000 for the 18c stamps.
Note: The information below shows items from my personal collection - it is not intended to be a catalog of all other philatelic products that were released during this year.